Age of Steam

The River War: Island No. 10

Island Number Ten defends a mighty double bend in the Mississippi, but it is no match for Admiral Foote's ironclads and General Pope's Army of the Mississippi as they steamroll their way south!

River War: Forts Henry and Donelson

The twin victories at Fort Henry and Donelson opened up the Confederacy to raids deep in their territory and allowed Grant to throw the South on the defense in the Western theeater for the rest of the war.

The Great White Fleet, Dreadnoughts, and World War I

In the early 20th century the US became a global power under President Roosevelt. Expanding the fleet, building the Panama Canal, and shifting from isolationism, by World War I, the U.S. was a major power, witnessing the epic Battle of Jutland and German submarine warfare against a starving Britain.

Perry Opens Japan

So long as the sun shall warm the earth, let no Christian dare come to Japan. And, let all know that if the king of


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